Best Crime Film Blogs

So, get your popcorn prepared and go through this carefully selected collection of (scifi movie link) thoughts-provoking film reviews.FavoritesFunniest Movie Reviews 2Leprechaun Movie ReviewChills and Thrills: Terrifier 2 UncoveredNature Unleashed: VolcanoDavis is in Leprechaun 2Monster Island [Movie Review]Movie analysis for Hatchet 3Leprechaun

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Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies

Back in 2015, I set a reward on Patreon to make a video where I bake cookies. It has been seven years, and (blog post) I'm finally gonna do (blog) it!Source: (click articles) Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies - Decker Shado More Videos

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Doll Graveyard Movie Review

Another killer doll movie by the grandmaster of schlock, Charles Band, Doll Graveyard is an hour long tale about a small group of dolls attacking a small group of teenagers who happen to be drinking, doing drugs and having sex. It's not exactly an (blog post) original idea, you could say... but it's not like Charles Band and Full Moon have no exp

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Terminator 2 Judgement Day Movie Review

One of the biggest sequels of it's time, Terminator 2 was the action follow up to the horror movie that everyone thought was an action movie, The Terminator. Made on a massive budget, Terminator 2: Judgement Day stood as the last movie (blog post) in the franchise for over a decade. It's got quite a legacy... but exactly how much am I on board wi

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It Movie Review

The March of the Clowns might have been a bit slower than planned, but it all ended up in the same place. With that in mind, we're taking a look at the 1990 television miniseries adaptation of Stephen King's "It." It's possibly (blog post) one of the most famous clown horror flicks of all time... despite it honestly (blog post) not having much at

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